Cleaning xbox 360 disc drive
Cleaning xbox 360 disc drive

You can also clean the disc with alcohol or a damp cloth. Apply toothpaste to the scratched area and scrub with a finger. This is widely recommended by several ethnic groups. Afterwards, let the disc dry completely before using it.Īnother way to clean your Xbox 360 game disc is to use toothpaste. It is not recommended to use detergents or cleaning solvents to clean your Xbox 360 game disc. Just be sure to use a clean cloth and wipe gently from the center outwards.

cleaning xbox 360 disc drive

You can use isopropyl alcohol to clean your Xbox 360 game disc. Luckily, there are ways to clean your Xbox 360 game disc and keep it working for years to come. Over time, this makes the disc unreadable and not playable. As the disc rotates inside the console while you play, it becomes dirty and scratched. Can you clean Xbox 360 disc with alcohol?Ī dirty Xbox 360 game disc is one of the most common problems with this console. Avoid acidic cleaners, as they can damage the disc. To avoid damaging the disc, use a cloth with lint-free, sterile material. If the disc is soiled, you can use a soft cloth to buff out scratches. Be sure to wipe the disc dry before applying the wax, as moisture can lead to further damage. Next, apply a thin layer of automobile wax to the scratched disc using vertical strokes. Start by placing your disc in a light-proof, vital-colored space. While you can purchase Xbox 360 disc cleaning kits for an expensive price, you can easily clean your disc using a simple microfiber cloth and water solution. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to restore your disc’s luster and playability.

cleaning xbox 360 disc drive

If your Xbox 360 game disc is covered with dirt, scratches, and smudges, it may be time to clean it. However, this should be done carefully and only in the presence of a professional. This can remove any dust or lint from the disc. After applying the solution, allow the disc to air dry for at least 10 minutes.Īnother option is to use a hairdryer. This is a strong cleaning solution and is easily available at any grocery store.

cleaning xbox 360 disc drive cleaning xbox 360 disc drive

However, be careful when using toothpaste to avoid causing further damage to the disc.Īnother easy way to clean your Xbox game disc is to use a cleaning solution of isopropyl alcohol and water. Alternatively, you can clean the disc with toothpaste, which is abrasive enough to remove scratches. Then, let the disc dry thoroughly before inserting it back into the Xbox. One way to do this is by using a microfiber cloth and some rubbing alcohol.

  • What do you do if your Xbox 360 disc won’t work?Ī good way to clean your Xbox 360 game disc is to remove any dirt or oil that is stuck on it.
  • Can you clean Xbox 360 disc with alcohol?.

  • Cleaning xbox 360 disc drive